Uxmal, Yucatán

On the Federal Highway Uman - Hopelchen, 80 km south of Merida, is one of the most known and important archaeological sites of the Mayan culture: Uxmal.

There are two hypotheses about the origin of the word Uxmal: the first says that it comes from the Mayan Oxmal, which means "city built three times"; the second asserts that it comes from the word Uchmal, which means "what comes in the future".




  • The Dwarf King: According to Mayan stories, Uxmal was built by a dwarf king, named Itzamná, during a single night. Itzamná was proclaimed King of Uxmal when defeating the king in turn during a test of resistance (during which the king died).

  • During Uxmal's apogee, it is estimated that it reached up to 25,000 inhabitants.

  • The city of Uxmal was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996.

Pyramid of the Wizard

Pyramid of the Wizard

  • At a height of 40 meters, the House of the Fortune-teller (also known as the Pyramid of the Wizard or Pyramid of the Dwarf) is the tallest building in the entire city.

  • Unlike most Mayan cities, Uxmal is not organized geometrically. The city is organized according to different astronomical phenomena.

  • Uxmal is located in the region known as Puuc, where the sites of Kabah, Nohpat, Sayil and Labna are also found.



If you come from Mexico City you should take a flight to Merida or Campeche. Once you have reached either of the two cities, you can book a bus that will take you to the town of Uxmal.

Other interesting buildings that you will find inside the archaeological site are the Quadrangle of the Nuns, the Ball Game, The Governor's Palace and the House of the Turtles. The hours of the archaeological zone are from Monday to Sunday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and the cost of admission is MXN $ 70. The light and sound show has an additional cost of MXN $ 59 for nationals and MXN $ 92 for foreigners.


Sight from the House of the Fortune-teller

Sight from the House of the Fortune-teller

Cuadrángulo de las Monjas by Hostea
Uxmal View
Foto cortesía de yucatan.travel

Foto cortesía de yucatan.travel

What to do in Uxmal

In addition to the impressive walk through the archaeological site, you can also visit the Chocolate Museum "Choco-Story", which has an eco-park and various activities and facilities. In the museum you can see the preparation of pre-Hispanic drinks based on cocoa, and you will learn more about the history of this delicious ingredient.

Within the same "Ruta Puuc" are the caverns of Loltún (Mayan word for "Flor de Piedra").


In these caves the Mayans were supplied with clay to make their utensils and religious figures, as well as being a ceremonial center. Among the things you can find are rock formations, cave paintings and huge vaults that are decorated with games of light and shadow.



What to eat in Uxmal

Along the way you will find some places to eat Yucatecan food, such as the Halach - Huinic Restaurant. In them you can try dishes cooked in a traditional way, with the great taste of the peninsula.

Alejandro Diaz